Unlock Your Potential with Beyond Success

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.”

— Socrates, father of Western philosophy

“Beyond Success specializes in helping small and medium-sized businesses grow and thrive by employing an integrated approach that includes expert coaching, consulting, training and technical assistance. Our team’s experience spans a variety of industries including manufacturing, renewable energy, education technology, healthcare and entertainment.

Believe you can and you’re halfway there

– Theodore Roosevelt


Success is something that many of us strive for, but the path to success is not always easy. It requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance, but perhaps most importantly, success is heavily influenced by mindset and motivation. In fact, one’s mindset and level of motivation can be the deciding factors between achieving success and falling short of one’s goals.

A positive mindset is a key component of success. It’s all about having a can-do attitude and believing in oneself. When you have a positive mindset, you approach challenges with confidence and optimism, and you’re more likely to take risks and try new things. This can lead to greater opportunities and more success in all aspects of life, from personal to professional.


Motivation is another crucial factor in achieving success. It’s the driving force that propels us forward, even when things get tough. When you’re motivated, you have a clear purpose and a sense of direction, and you’re more likely to set goals and work towards them with persistence and determination.

The power of mindset and motivation is not to be underestimated. They can make the difference between someone who achieves great success and someone who falls short. But the good news is that mindset and motivation are not fixed traits – they can be developed and cultivated over time with the right tools and strategies.

That’s where a Beyond Success comes in. By providing resources, guidance, and support, such a website can help individuals develop the mindset and motivation needed to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

Whether you’re looking to advance in your career, start a new business, or simply live a more fulfilling life, developing a positive mindset and strong motivation can make all the difference. It’s time to invest in yourself and your success, and Beyond Success can help you get there.

Beyond Success Stories

Mr. Davies Matugon is from the Philippines and was born on September 6, 1956. He stopped pursuing his tertiary education when he was young due to a lack of finances and he has to focus more on providing for his family rather than on school.

Throughout his elementary and secondary years, Mr. Davies used to sell different goods such as guavas, onions, Philippine oranges, and avocados grown in their backyards in Batutuling. He was selling fruits and vegetables to his teachers and other people to help ease his parents’ financial burden in raising a family of ten. Every school day, Davies took a 14-kilometer back and forth journey, on foot, from their house in Batutuling to Big Margus to attend classes and sell their farm produce. On his way back to Batutuling after school hours, he had to carry coconut seedlings that he got from his B’laan uncles with coconut plantations and planted them during weekends. Hence, Davie can be considered a seasoned farmer as he had been planting this valuable crop since his childhood years.

As time went by and his family grew, providing became more difficult. From here he knew that something needs to change not just in his business but also within himself.

At the age of 59, he widened his perspective and proceeded to push his farming business to new heights. Now he owns a 66-hectare farm and he teaches farming strategies in his community.

“Education and Age, is not a barrier to success if one has the enduring spirit and unfaltering determination to reach the pinnacle of success.”

– Mr. Davies Matugon